Eclogues |
Translator: James Rhoades
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ECLOGA X . Extremum hunc , Arethusa , mihi concede laborem : pauca meo Gallo , sed quae legat ipsa Lycoris , carmina sunt dicenda . neget quis carmina Gallo ? sic tibi , cum fluctus subterlabere Sicanos , Doris amara suam non intermisceat undam . incipe ; sollicitos Galli dicamus amores , dum tenera attondent simae virgulta capellae . non canimus surdis ; respondent omnia silvae . Quae nemora , aut qui vos saltus habuere , puellae Naides , indigno cum Gallus amore peribat ? nam neque Parnasi vobis iuga , nam neque Pindi ulla moram fecere , neque Aoniae Aganippe . Illum etiam lauri , etiam flevere myricae . Pinifer illum etiam sola sub rupe iacentem Maenalus , et gelidi fleverunt saxa Lycaei . Stant et oves circum ;—nostri nec poenitet illas , nec te poeniteat pecoris , divine poeta ;— et formosus ovis ad flumina pavit Adonis ; venit et upilio ; tardi venere subulci ; uvidus hiberna venit de glande Menalcas . Omnes “Unde amor iste ” rogant “tibi ?” Venit Apollo : “ Galle , quid insanis ?” inquit ; “tua cura Lycoris perque nives alium perque horrida castra secuta est .” Venit et agresti capitis Silvanus honore , florentis ferulas et grandia lilia quassans . Pan deus Arcadiae venit , quem vidimus ipsi sanguineis ebuli bacis minioque rubentem . “ Ecquis erit modus ?” inquit ; “Amor non talia curat ; nec lacrimis crudelis Amor , nec gramina rivis , nec cytiso saturantur apes , nec fronde capellae .” Tristis at ille : “Tamen cantabitis , Arcades ,” inquit “ montibus haec vestris : soli cantare periti Arcades . O mihi tum quam molliter ossa quiescant , vestra meos olim si fistula dicat amores ! Atque utinam ex vobis unus , vestrique fuissem aut custos gregis , aut maturae vinitor uvae ! Certe , sive mihi Phillis , sive esset Amyntas , seu quicumque furor —quid tum , si fuscus Amyntas ; et nigrae violae sunt et vaccinia nigra — mecum inter salices lenta sub vite iaceret ; serta mihi Phyllis legeret , cantaret Amyntas . Hic gelidi fontes , hic mollia prata , Lycori , hic nemus ; hic ipso tecum consumerer aevo . Nunc insanus amor duri me Martis in armis tela inter media atque adversos detinet hostes : tu procul a patria (nec sit mihi credere tantum !) Alpinas , ah dura , nives et frigora Rheni me sine sola vides : ah , te ne frigora laedant ! ah , tibi ne teneras glacies secet aspera plantas ! Ibo , et , Chalcidico quae sunt mihi condita versu carmina , pastoris Siculi modulabor avena . certum est in silvis , inter spelaea ferarum malle pati , tenerisque meos incidere amores arboribus ; crescent illae , crescetis , amores . Interea mixtis lustrabo Maenala nymphis , aut acris venabor apros : non me ulla vetabunt frigora Parthenios canibus circumdare saltus . iam mihi per rupes videor lucosque sonantis ire ; libet Partho torquere Cydonia cornu spicula :—tamquam haec sit nostri medicina furoris , ut deus ille malis hominum mitescere discat ! Iam neque hamadryades rursus nec carmina nobis ipsa placent ; ipsae rursus concedite silvae . non illum nostri possunt mutare labores , nec si frigoribus mediis Hebrumque bibamus , Sithoniasque nives hiemis subeamus aquosae , nec si , cum moriens alta liber aret in ulmo , Aethiopum versemus ovis sub sidere Cancri . omnia vincit Amor ; et nos cedamus Amori .” Haec sat erit , divae , vestrum cecinisse poetam , dum sedet et gracili fiscellam texit hibisco , Pierides ; vos haec facietis maxima Gallo — Gallo , cuius amor tantum mihi crescit in horas , quantum vere novo viridis se subicit alnus . Surgamus ; solet esse gravis cantantibus umbra ; iuniperi gravis umbra ; nocent et frugibus umbrae . Ite domum saturae , venit Hesperus , ite capellae .
GALLUS This now, the very latest of my toils, vouchsafe me, Arethusa! needs must I sing a brief song to Gallus—brief, but yet such as Lycoris' self may fitly read. Who would not sing for Gallus? So, when thou beneath Sicanian billows glidest on, may Doris blend no bitter wave with thine, begin! The love of Gallus be our theme, and the shrewd pangs he suffered, while, hard by, the flat-nosed she-goats browse the tender brush. We sing not to deaf ears; no word of ours but the woods echo it. What groves or lawns held you, ye Dryad-maidens, when for love— love all unworthy of a loss so dear— Gallus lay dying? for neither did the slopes of Pindus or Parnassus stay you then, no, nor Aonian Aganippe. Him even the laurels and the tamarisks wept; for him, outstretched beneath a lonely rock, wept pine-clad Maenalus, and the flinty crags of cold Lycaeus. The sheep too stood around— of us they feel no shame, poet divine; nor of the flock be thou ashamed: even fair Adonis by the rivers fed his sheep— came shepherd too, and swine-herd footing slow, and, from the winter-acorns dripping-wet Menalcas. All with one accord exclaim: “From whence this love of thine?” Apollo came; “Gallus, art mad?” he cried, “thy bosom's care another love is following.” Therewithal Silvanus came, with rural honours crowned; the flowering fennels and tall lilies shook before him. Yea, and our own eyes beheld pan, god of Arcady, with blood-red juice of the elder-berry, and with vermilion, dyed. “Wilt ever make an end?” quoth he, “behold love recks not aught of it: his heart no more with tears is sated than with streams the grass, bees with the cytisus, or goats with leaves.” “Yet will ye sing, Arcadians, of my woes upon your mountains,” sadly he replied— “Arcadians, that alone have skill to sing. O then how softly would my ashes rest, if of my love, one day, your flutes should tell! And would that I, of your own fellowship, or dresser of the ripening grape had been, or guardian of the flock! for surely then, let Phyllis, or Amyntas, or who else, bewitch me—what if swart Amyntas be? Dark is the violet, dark the hyacinth— among the willows, 'neath the limber vine, reclining would my love have lain with me, Phyllis plucked garlands, or Amyntas sung. Here are cool springs, soft mead and grove, Lycoris; here might our lives with time have worn away. But me mad love of the stern war-god holds armed amid weapons and opposing foes. Whilst thou—Ah! might I but believe it not!— alone without me, and from home afar, look'st upon Alpine snows and frozen Rhine. Ah! may the frost not hurt thee, may the sharp and jagged ice not wound thy tender feet! I will depart, re-tune the songs I framed in verse Chalcidian to the oaten reed of the Sicilian swain. Resolved am I in the woods, rather, with wild beasts to couch, and bear my doom, and character my love upon the tender tree-trunks: they will grow, and you, my love, grow with them. And meanwhile I with the Nymphs will haunt Mount Maenalus, or hunt the keen wild boar. No frost so cold but I will hem with hounds thy forest-glades, parthenius. Even now, methinks, I range o'er rocks, through echoing groves, and joy to launch Cydonian arrows from a Parthian bow.— as if my madness could find healing thus, or that god soften at a mortal's grief! Now neither Hamadryads, no, nor songs delight me more: ye woods, away with you! No pangs of ours can change him; not though we in the mid-frost should drink of Hebrus' stream, and in wet winters face Sithonian snows, or, when the bark of the tall elm-tree bole of drought is dying, should, under Cancer's Sign, in Aethiopian deserts drive our flocks. Love conquers all things; yield we too to love!” These songs, Pierian Maids, shall it suffice your poet to have sung, the while he sat, and of slim mallow wove a basket fine: to Gallus ye will magnify their worth, Gallus, for whom my love grows hour by hour, as the green alder shoots in early Spring. Come, let us rise: the shade is wont to be baneful to singers; baneful is the shade cast by the juniper, crops sicken too in shade. Now homeward, having fed your fill— eve's star is rising—go, my she-goats, go. |